
To Be Near… I can know who I am and you can know who you are but we can only know each other through our interaction our eyes, our words, […]

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Satir Family Therapy

by Lysandra Chan It began with choosing a theoretical orientation My journey with the Satir model began at the beginning of grad school. For the first semester, I had to […]

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Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy

It Started in Idaho By Amanda Poffenberger Over the years when my friends or family members inquired about my participation in STST trainings in Canada, I would tell them about […]

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Wanting More…

I want growth I want more, more of me I want connection I want more, more of me I want passion I want more, more of me Fueled by a […]

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Accepting My Son as A Teenager

One evening after a conflict with my son I decided that I better deal with my own anger. I brought my focus onto myself and went through my own iceberg […]

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Satir – More than a Model

I hope to share my personal, professional and healing journey in being fully human. To do this, I intend to start from the beginning sharing significant moments which shaped my […]

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The Art and Science of Self-Care

I find it quite interesting and “almost” humorous that I committed to writing a blog about self-care and then could not find the time to actually write it! While I […]

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