Introductory Workshops
Are you interested but want to know more about full 10 day Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy (STST) Level I? SIP offers a 3 hour online or in person introductory workshop on STST. Here you will receive a taste of transformational experiential learning and an opportunity to increase internal peace, empowerment, and integration. Do you want to increase connection and acceptance in relationships with SELF, others and context? Join us for these three hours of learning and a chance to begin a practice of authentic and meaningful self-growth.
Online Workshops
These professional workshops have been adapted from our 2 day workshops below and focus on aspects of the therapeutic process, symptoms and dynamics, relationships and other therapeutic issues. These workshop will be available in a variety of formats online via the Zoom platform.
See Events for Current Dates and Locations
2-day workshops
These professional workshops focus on specific aspects of therapeutic process, symptoms and dynamics, relationships and other therapeutic issues.
Topics may include: Personal Leadership; Ethical Issues; Working with Internal Parts; Couples Therapy; Infidelity in Couples Relationships; Working with At-Risk Youth; LGBT Relationship Therapy; Addictions; Trauma; Eating Disorders; Mood Disorders; Working with Life Transitions; Mindful Self-Care for Therapists; Transforming your Relationship with Money; Working with Parents of FAS Children; Positive Parenting; etc.
See Events for Current Dates and Locations
Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy Level I
Held in three formats:
- An in Person 10-day training program (9:00 am to 5:00 pm held over weekends or extended weekends over several months plus trio work between sessions)
- An In Person 10-day Residential Intensive training program (9:00 am to 9:00 pm most days with all trio work completed at the residential program)
- Online via Zoom (18 days over several months held from 2:00 pm to 7:30 pm PACIFIC TIME plus trio work held between sessions)
Note: Each format requires a final assignment to be completed after the program is finished to receive your certificate of completion
This program will help counsellors and therapists:
- Use experiential process throughout their therapy sessions to tap healing Life Energy
- Explore and facilitate change in clients’ intrapsychic and relational systems
- Make contact with clients’ internal experience and create safety quickly and deeply
- Surface clients’ survival communication and coping patterns and help clients experientially choose more positive possibilities
- Sculpt relationships among family members and tap somatic wisdom for change
- Collaboratively with the client, begin to set positively directional, intrapsychic therapeutic goals for change
- Learn the Satir process of transformational therapeutic change by engaging positive Life Energy
- Help clients access, accept and utilize their internal strengths and resources in the change process
- Map the internal processes of clients and help them access and change their behaviours, feelings, perceptions and expectations
- Help clients integrate and maintain their changes
The program will include several therapy demonstrations and video study opportunities. Participants will be expected to complete a minimum of 12 hours of trio homework outside of the classroom hours to practice specific aspects of the program.
See Events for Current Dates and Locations
Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy Level II
(prerequisite STST Level I and Training Director’s Approval)
Held in three formats:
- An in Person 10-day training program (9:00 am to 5:00 pm held over weekends or extended weekends over several months plus trio work between sessions)
- An In Person 10-day Residential Intensive training program (9:00 am to 9:00 pm most days with all trio work completed at the residential program)
- Online via Zoom (18 days over several months held from 2:00 pm to 7:30 pm PACIFIC TIME plus trio work held between sessions)
Note: Each format requires a final assignment to be completed after the program is finished to receive your certificate of completion
This Program will help Counsellors and Therapists:
- Use their Self in a competent, confident, congruent and creative way throughout the Satir therapeutic process.
- Make therapy experiential throughout each aspect of the therapeutic process.
- Make therapy positively directional throughout each aspect of the therapeutic process.
- Make therapy change focused throughout each aspect of the therapeutic process.
- Make the therapy process systemic, working on changing the intrapsychic within the context of interactive relationships and changing the interactive from the intrapsychic changes.
- Tap clients’ Life Energy as the stimulus to growth and transformation.
- Help clients access their subconscious processes and bring them into awareness.
- Reframe symptoms into solutions and find the positive resources in symptoms.
- Help clients access, accept and utilize their internal strengths and resources.
- Help clients to increase their ability to own their internal processes and increase their choice-making possibilities.
- Collaboratively work with clients to set positively directional therapeutic goals in both intrapsychic and interactive systems.
- Facilitate bringing about transformational change and anchoring and integrating the changes.
- Help couples and families connect in an accepting way.
- Help couples and families resolve differences.
- Appreciate their own personal and professional growth process.
The program will include several therapy demonstrations and video study opportunities. Participants will be expected to complete a minimum of 12 hours of trio homework outside of the classroom hours to practice specific aspects of the program.
See Events for Current Dates and Locations
Advanced Applications of the Satir Model
8-day residential intensive training program
(prerequisite: STST Level I)
SIP’s Advanced Applications of STST program is for advanced Satir Model practitioners. While most Satir Model practice has been at the process level, advanced practitioners need to incorporate the deeper levels of meaning and energy in their work. We will focus on how to bring about change at these levels with our therapeutic clients.
This program will look at aspects of therapy where clients are working with impacts of depression, anxiety, pain, attachment and Use of Self. We can understand and work with individuals beyond the D.S.M. (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of APA), looking at working successfully with the root causes instead of symptoms.
Let’s go back to the roots of the Satir Model and explore what is now possible with all the increased understanding of the healing process.
This program will also look at how the Satir Model has changed, evolved, and developed over time, as well as looking at what has been added from other schools and authorities to mix with the Satir Model.
We will have eight days including evening trio work, “becoming more fully human” and deepening our therapeutic work with clients.
See Events for Current Dates and Locations
Training For Trainers Using STST
15-day training program
- Group process, theory and practice.
- Group leadership skills and styles.
- Concepts and skills of group dynamics.
- Safety factors in groups.
- Setting goals with groups and participants.
- Learning and communication styles of participants.
- Group process observation skills.
- Processing members’ dynamics (intrapsychic and interactive).
- Creating positively directional, experiential learning processes.
- Ethical guidelines for workshop leaders.
- Screening participants.
- Meeting needs of individual participants in workshops.
- Feedback skills in workshops.
- Methods of evaluating group process and individual learnings.
- Motivating for change.
- Conflicts and possible disagreements among participants.
- Building programs based on group purposes.
- Using interactive and intrapsychic approaches.
- Use of homework with participants.
- What to do when your leadership is challenged.
- How and when to use activities in workshops.
See Events for Current Dates and Locations