Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy

My journey with Satir and the process of writing and publishing the book: Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy. One of my first recollections of Virginia Satir in 1982 was her statement: […]

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The Time of the Lone Wolf is Over’ by Dr. Rick Miners

Summary of chapter ‘The Time of the Lone Wolf is Over’ by Dr. Rick Miners in Therapists Are Human Too: The Healing Journey of Reciprocity My chapter revolves around the […]

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My Reflection of Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy

I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate Linda and Jennifer for the wonderful experience I had with this programme. Their teaching was experiential and inspiring. It led to […]

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Journey to Inner Freedom

By Tricia Antoniuk, MSW, RSW What I love about the Satir model is that while it has helped me be a more effective therapist, it has also helped me on […]

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To Be Near… I can know who I am and you can know who you are but we can only know each other through our interaction our eyes, our words, […]

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Satir Family Therapy

by Lysandra Chan It began with choosing a theoretical orientation My journey with the Satir model began at the beginning of grad school. For the first semester, I had to […]

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Reflections on Satir

By Jennifer Barrett, MSW, RSW, RCC Recently, I was asked to reflect on my experience with Satir.  To my surprise, I realized that it has been more than 25 years […]

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Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy

It Started in Idaho By Amanda Poffenberger Over the years when my friends or family members inquired about my participation in STST trainings in Canada, I would tell them about […]

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When the body speaks its wisdom…

I vividly recall sitting in my kitchen, many years ago, when my entire body started to vibrate inside wildly.  At the time, my 3 month old son was in intensive […]

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Wanting More…

I want growth I want more, more of me I want connection I want more, more of me I want passion I want more, more of me Fueled by a […]

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