Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy

My journey with Satir and the process of writing and publishing the book: Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy. One of my first recollections of Virginia Satir in 1982 was her statement: […]

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Virginia Satir Then and Now

The Theories and Practices of Virginia Satir Virginia Satir was a highly influential family therapist, known for her groundbreaking work in the field of psychology. Her theories and practices have […]

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A Written Case Study

Using the Satir Model to bring about Transformational Change by Mylene Lee Pei-En Client info (“S”) Biodata: Female, 21 years old Presenting Problem: Losing motivation in her studies. Feeling stressed […]

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Birth of a Book

Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy: Transformative Therapy with a Bodymind Connection I have been one of seven writers who have created a book titled, The Evolving Legacy of Virginia Satir- Transformative […]

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My Reflection of Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy

I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate Linda and Jennifer for the wonderful experience I had with this programme. Their teaching was experiential and inspiring. It led to […]

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Journey to Inner Freedom

By Tricia Antoniuk, MSW, RSW What I love about the Satir model is that while it has helped me be a more effective therapist, it has also helped me on […]

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Satir Family Therapy

by Lysandra Chan It began with choosing a theoretical orientation My journey with the Satir model began at the beginning of grad school. For the first semester, I had to […]

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Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy

It Started in Idaho By Amanda Poffenberger Over the years when my friends or family members inquired about my participation in STST trainings in Canada, I would tell them about […]

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Freedom Through Forgiveness Can Be Yours!

With Anne Morrison, MSW, RSW and Linda Lucas, MA, LPC, LCPC Not forgiving is a kind of soul sickness that saps our energy and keeps us from fully accessing clear […]

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When the body speaks its wisdom…

I vividly recall sitting in my kitchen, many years ago, when my entire body started to vibrate inside wildly.  At the time, my 3 month old son was in intensive […]

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