My journey with Satir and the process of writing and publishing the book: Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy.

One of my first recollections of Virginia Satir in 1982 was her statement: “I do not do copyright, please take what I am presenting and make it your own ”. I heard at the time a wonderful message that I could take what she presented and put it into my own work. What took me years to understand was her comment: “make it yours”.

To discover your own individuality, your own understanding of inner freedom. your process of how you have come to be, this inconceivable beauty that you are, how you can be open to the exquisite discovery of your own unique specialness; that is the template that everyone has come into the world with, the need to love and be loved. As we ground in this profound awareness and discovery of the light within ourselves, an opening happens.

That was the magic of Virginia Satir: her ability to see the light within each person, her inner knowing that all the answers are within each person, all the answers are in our bodies. We began as the thinnest egg that meets a sperm and becomes a human being. Every human being in our world has had this experience. The map is there in our bodies.

Virginia Satir was able to discover the light that permeated each cell and was able to engage with the multitude of structures that are unique to each person.

My involvement in this amazing creation

It came to my attention in February 2022 that this book was in process and those involved in writing seemed to be having a hard time getting through the hard work to which they had committed. Everything in me knew that the message Virginia Satir brought into our world was for today and was as important now as it was when she first presented it to the world. So, I chose to offer my encouragement, to help the group get her message out to the masses. These women describe the processes that they draw from using the body to access the strengths, the courage, the love of self-other and a deep connection to the universal truths within each person. They each have a personal connection to self, other and context. They have collaborated and worked together to put into our world a vision of how, as a human race, we could live a more fulfilled life for our own future, ourselves, our families, communities and our world.

This has been an adventure in collaboration, in generosity of heart, of being a part of a thriving group of women who put their heart and soul into their work and were able to find the time to share their wisdom and their knowledge while working full time. I am humbled to be a part of this group of women as we celebrate together, on July 15th, our joy of working together to publish and launch Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy: Transformative Therapy with a BodyMind Connection.

Submitted by Leona Flammand Gallant

Satir’s Evolving Legacy Transformative Therapy with a Body Mind Connection can be found on book shelves at Banyen Books and Odin Books in Vancouver or you can also find it on