Virginia Satir Then and Now

The Theories and Practices of Virginia Satir Virginia Satir was a highly influential family therapist, known for her groundbreaking work in the field of psychology. Her theories and practices have […]

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A Written Case Study

Using the Satir Model to bring about Transformational Change by Mylene Lee Pei-En Client info (“S”) Biodata: Female, 21 years old Presenting Problem: Losing motivation in her studies. Feeling stressed […]

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Birth of a Book

Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy: Transformative Therapy with a Bodymind Connection I have been one of seven writers who have created a book titled, The Evolving Legacy of Virginia Satir- Transformative […]

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Reflections on Satir

By Jennifer Barrett, MSW, RSW, RCC Recently, I was asked to reflect on my experience with Satir.  To my surprise, I realized that it has been more than 25 years […]

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Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy

It Started in Idaho By Amanda Poffenberger Over the years when my friends or family members inquired about my participation in STST trainings in Canada, I would tell them about […]

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Freedom Through Forgiveness Can Be Yours!

With Anne Morrison, MSW, RSW and Linda Lucas, MA, LPC, LCPC Not forgiving is a kind of soul sickness that saps our energy and keeps us from fully accessing clear […]

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Accepting My Son as A Teenager

One evening after a conflict with my son I decided that I better deal with my own anger. I brought my focus onto myself and went through my own iceberg […]

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Satir – More than a Model

I hope to share my personal, professional and healing journey in being fully human. To do this, I intend to start from the beginning sharing significant moments which shaped my […]

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The Art and Science of Self-Care

I find it quite interesting and “almost” humorous that I committed to writing a blog about self-care and then could not find the time to actually write it! While I […]

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The Wisdom Within

By Tonda Chin, MS, Licensed Professional Counselor   February, 14, 2017 “We are stars wrapped in skin.  The light you are seeing has always been within.” Unknown   Virginia Satir, […]

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